English with Betsy

An English program for children ages 1,5 - 6 years.


My English sessions are inspired by many years of experience as a kindergarten teacher as well as my lifelong love for music. I endeavor to bring fun and variety into the lessons.


With the aid of my english-speaking stuffed animals, the children experience:


* US English native speaker lessons


* Seasonal topics and songs


* Guitar and rhythm


* Singing, speaking, clapping and dancing


* An enthusiastic learning environment



Educational philosophy  I have developed my English program for children with the express purpose of conveying a sense of joy for learning a new language, without fear of making mistakes. The children gain an intuitive sense for the rhythm and sounds of the English language by repeating songs, games speech exercises and vocabulary. These tasks are designed to enable each child to experience a feeling og success, paving the way for future learning.



Equal opprtunities to all children,

I greatly value offering equal opprtunities to all children, and thus  work with whole kindergarten classes  or age groups whenever possible. My prices have been calculated to enable this. 




The goals I have set are based on my experience working with children. My primary focus is on correct pronunciation and developing a feel for the language. Whether a child learns 4 or 10 songs, i.e. 50 or 80 words, in a given year, is of secondary importance.





1.5 - 3 years

The children gain a basic introduction to the English language by listening, dancing and clapping along to English songs and by playing simple finger games.


3 - 4 years

The children continue to learn the sounds of English through song  and play, and to use individual words.


4 - 6 years

The children add new words including numbers and colors to their vocabulary and learn to speak simple sentences.


I am hungry. May I have an apple please? 

Hi, my name is.... What is your name?

How old are you?

Would you like to play?


Children with pre-existing language skills will get the opportunity to practise and extend them.


Sample songs

01 Five Little Ducks.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 1.7 MB
04 Wake Up.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 862.8 KB
Little green frog.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 1.4 MB


Tel: 0699/12362575